
Coming Back Online

It’s been 4 years, 2 months, and 3 days since my last blog post, yeah I know, bad blogger.  There was a lot that happened in that time and with recent changes, decided it was finally time to get back on the horse.

In that time I have now left a job that I was at for 6 years, moved to a new state to be with my fiance, I’ve become a better cook, and discovered that my fiance has a natural green thumb.  Hence discovered by leaving both indoor houseplants and a vegetable garden in his care while we were living 3.5 hours apart.  He totally rocked it!

Vegetable Garden 2018

Check out this garden! The fiance has done an amazing job keeping this thing rocking while I was still in my old state.  Told you the man had a natural green thumb! I took the picture this morning and it’s thrilled. Granted it also had a nice 3+ inch downpour overnight/this morning. P.S. – those vines you’re seeing those are supposed to be bush varieties.  We planted a zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, butternut squash, and spaghetti squash and the only one that wanted to play by the rules was the zucchini.  ALL the others decided that it was more fun to ignore the hole bush variety thing and run a muck.

I’ll be honest this is the first vegetable garden I’ve had in a few years for various reasons.  Then I met my fiance last year and found a whole new level of energy, excitement, and desire to get a vegetable garden up and running again.  We’ve spent an enormous amount of time in the kitchen since we met and vegetable gardening is always a natural extension. To be honest, they go hand in hand.  So, with a few more years of life experience and a major increase in cooking, don’t be surprised if you see some recipes on here or links to recipes that I have just fallen in love with from other food blogs.

Just last night I did a major harvest from the garden which was needed.  Between my being away from it for 2 weeks (I finally closed on my house and moved on Friday) and the fiance being insanely busy with his work, lets just say there were, uh hem, a few larger then wanted vegetables.

August 5, 2018 harvest haul

Yes those are monster zucchini and no this is not the first time that’s happened to me and I know it’s not the first time for other gardener’s either. They also always seem to hide very efficiently until they are the size of my leg.  Those large zucchini are perfect for zucchini bread.  I’ll have to get my family’s recipe posted in the near future.  Under the tomatillos are a variety of tomatoes included slicers, paste, a boat load of cherry tomatoes. Those awesome cherry tomatoes were all used up in a Burst Tomato Galette with Corn and Zucchini – recipe written by the awesome blogger over at smitten kitchen.

To clarify how awesome this recipe is, we’ve made it now three times and we usually never repeat recipes since there are so many to choose from.  I know it’s not the best picture in the world, but trust me the flavor is outstanding!

Burst Tomato Galette

Since the last blog post I have also fallen head over heals for succulents and a bunch of awesome varieties of houseplants.  Have you heard of a Monstera aka Split Leaf Philodendron?  First off, Instagram is a deep dark whole for increasing your I must have that plant in my life now list and that’s where I found out about Monstera.  By the way, you can also follow me on Instagram – The Garden Sprout on Instagram you can look back and see where, um, my #houseplantexpansion rapidly increased.  Thankfully the fiance is very understanding of my very large indoor jungle. Bonus!

Can you see why I am totally in love with this plant? Isn’t she gorgeous! Those leaf fenestrations, I tell ya.


Monstera August 6, 2018

Now that I feel like I’ve bunny hopped all over the map with this blog post, I think it’s time to bring this it to a close.  There will be plenty more posts to come that I hope you will find interesting.  If you have questions or an idea for a blog post you can always email me at contactthegardensprout@gmail.com. Garden on!

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